Monday, April 4, 2011

An Awkward Greeting


So yeah, I'm Amy. I have an odd fascination for pornography. I've always enjoyed it, since it's a fine comfort for those of us lacking in the relationship department. Masturbation by itself is at worst depressing, and at best boring--as I'm sure many of you know. I've always liked it, but at the same time I felt it was missing something. I always felt somewhat empty afterwards--like if I had attempted to have an intimate emotional experience with a robot. The women I was watching (and often the men--though I was always more interested in the former) didn't seem real. Not only was this psychologically unsatisfying, but it was physically as well.

Women are sexy. But they aren't sexy simply because they're a pair of tits and a vagina with legs, but because they're people. People with diverse personalities and motivations for the things they do. Personality absolutely factors into sexiness, such as her willingness to be seductive or kinky, her attitude towards sexuality in general, etc. Why the hell would I want to fuck a robot? Anything less than human is kind of a turn off for me. I wanted to know why the people on the screen were screwing wildly on the kitchen table. I wanted to know who they were. And most importantly, I wanted to know what happened after the money shot. What did they do when they weren't trying to repopulate a small community? I imagined they were people like you and me. I eventually figured that if I wanted to see porn like that I would make it myself. In 2008, I began publishing material for a website called Hentai Foundry. In my first year, I wrote a nine-chapter epic, and won second place in a hosted writing contest. I had done a little writing before that, but never anything pornographic. I still write for HF, and have a decent amount of followers.

Jumping around a bit, the whole "18 to watch porn" thing is bullshit. I mean, society's whole perception of pornography is fucked up, but more on that later. And before anyone complains, I'm not condoning sex with minors, or anything like that. There's a big difference between the act itself, and watching someone do it on a screen. By the time we hit puberty, we already know what it is, and chances are we're thinking about it. Masturbation pretty much becomes a biological imperative (Porn got me through High School, and now I have a girlfriend :D) And as I've said above, without porn the act becomes the exact opposite of a pleasure, with time. Honestly, everyone just needs to be more open about sexuality. Parents should be willing to provide their children with pornographic materials, because, let's face it, if they don't, the kids will find a way. They'll go online, and be mentally scarred by the perverse shit that's out there. It's also incredibly silly how kids are allowed to go see Hostel but show one nipple, and it's "OH GOD HIDE YOUR KIDS HIDE YOUR WIFE", all of a sudden.

Now that I've made it painfully obvious how strongly I feel about the subject, I think I'm done here. Enjoy your stay, expect updates on upcoming projects and other random, neurotic subjects I feel the need to bring up.

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